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Spring Planting Pansies for lots of Color
Early Spring is the perfect time to pot up some pansies. They are the best way to give your early spring garden color before most plants even begin to show green. Plant your pansies in a planter and line the planter with MagniMoist to get the most blooms, the healthiest plants, and the biggest flowers.
How to use our Liners in Hanging Baskets
We go through six steps to make a hanging flower basket just like the greenhouses make them. However, we are going to make 2 key improvements that will extend the life of your basket deeper into the summer when store bought baskets are drying out.
MagniMoist in Raised Beds - retaining water
Raised beds are prone to drying out because they are more sensitive to the heat from the Sun. In 5 steps you can build a successful raised bed that uses what you have on hand to save on cost and grow great plants!
Using MagniMoist to Grow Carrots
The number one factor for successful carrot germination and growth is adequate moisture in the soil. Yet so often we fail to give the carrots enough moisture to thrive and are unsuccessful in our efforts to grow amazing carrots. MagniMoist liners hold the water in soil so that your carrots can germinate and grow so large that even Bugs Bunny would be impressed.
MagniMoist in the Garden
As soon as the ground has thawed after Winter, drop some horseradish into the ground. Planting this in the coldest part of Spring has me thinking Summer cookout.
Adding a MagniMoist liner means that my drought-biased soil will get additional help in holding moisture closer to the ground's surface. Which means more water will be available to my plants leading to better growth, less wilting, increased disease resistance and more.
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